Is Online Suboxone Right for You?

Recovery Care has been delivering an online telemedicine Suboxone program to Tennessee residents for over six months now and the results could not be better.
The Pros and Cons of Online Suboxone Treatment
There are both pros and cons to online Suboxone treatment. The online Suboxone experience for the patient comes with so many benefits that we think the pros greatly outweigh the cons. But, you be the judge.
The Pros of Online Suboxone Treatment
- Patients can literally receive online Suboxone treatment most anywhere, as long as they have privacy and access to a private restroom. Just like in-clinic Suboxone treatment, patients are required to undergo urine drug testing as part of their treatment. Urine drug testing is performed using video through our Spruce Health mobile app and a proprietary screening process developed by Recovery Care.
- Mail your drug screen using United States Postal Service (USPS). You’ll have to go no further than your own mailbox for submitting your urine drug screens to the Recovery Care lab for confirmatory testing. Simply drop the pre-addressed envelope in your mailbox and you’re done with lab interactions.
- Use your local pharmacy. You won’t need to visit a special pharmacy or wait by the mailbox for your Suboxone films or tablets. Recovery Care is able to use your local pharmacy for Suboxone medication pickup. We’ll handle prior authorizations with your insurance company to make sure your medication costs are covered. Going to the pharmacy may be literally the only time you have to leave your home for online Suboxone therapy.
- No traffic to deal with. Not having to deal with traffic may be the biggest advantage of all when it comes to online Suboxone treatment. If you live in a bog city, this can mean saving two hours or more in transit time. Not to mention, missing out on a whole lot of frustration. It also means you won’t spend a dime on gas.
- Waiting times are typically much shorter.
The Cons of Online Suboxone Treatment
- Online Suboxone therapy comes with its own unique set of challenges. While you might be a very organized, timely person, not everyone else is. There can be times when the appointment lasts a little over an hour. However, that’s still a fairly short appointment time. We’ve heard horror stories from patients who’ve told us they’ve waited in a clinic for up to three hours just to see their doctor, and that this was a normal occurrence.
- No face to face or “in clinic experience. Going to a clinic can provide some benefits that some people need as part of their recovery:
- You’re surrounded by people who are recovery-minded
- You have accountability for your recovery
- There can be positive interactions with other people in recovery
Is online Suboxone therapy right for you? We’d like to hear from you by entering a comment below!
You can learn more about Suboxone medications by visiting
If you live in the State of Tennessee and are interested in Suboxone telemedicine treatment accepting TennCare insurance, please click here to register with Recovery Care. We provide state of the art online Suboxone treatment that is second to none.