TeleMAT – Telemedicine Medication Assisted Treatment with Suboxone

TeleMAT is Telemedicine Medication-Assisted Treatment using Suboxone, alleviating withdrawals and cravings that come with opioid drug abuse

If you’ve ever performed an internet search for “telemedicine Suboxone Doctors Near Me”, you know you’re going to get pretty mixed search results. That may very be due to the fact that telemedicine Suboxone treatment is now known as “TeleMAT.” What is TeleMAT? TeleMAT is an abbreviation for “telemedicine medication-assisted treatment”. Not every Suboxone clinic…

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Opioid Addiction: A Manufactured Crisis

The opioid addiction crisis in the United States is an ongoing tragedy that has left a trail of devastation in its wake. What began as a seemingly innocent solution to pain management has evolved into a full-blown epidemic, claiming lives and tearing apart families and communities across the nation. From rural towns to bustling cities,…

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Essential Hacks for Overcoming Opioid Addiction

I was a daily opioid abuser for over 13 years. I’ve been clean since January 2014 due to a few simple things I call, “Recovery Hacks”. Anyone can do them. Sadly, most people won’t. They’ll take a shortcut and tell themselves, “Suboxone will do all the work”. More on this later. What started as a…

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Can Percocet Addiction Lead to Heroin Addiction?

Percocet, a brand name for a powerful prescription painkiller, has been a staple in the world of pain management for decades. Comprising two main ingredients – oxycodone and acetaminophen. Percocet addiction often happens to those who are prescribed it for moderate to severe pain, typically following surgeries or injuries. While it undoubtedly provides pain relief,…

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